Monday, July 27, 2015

Meet Rami Blair, Senior Bonner Intern

Hello 2019! My name is Rami Blair, and I have the privilege of serving as Senior Bonner Intern for the 2015 – 2016 academic year. A proud Maine native (even though I was born in Washington, D.C.), I am a rising senior who majors in French. During my time at Morehouse, I’ve travelled extensively and established meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, and fellow students. I have received, among other awards, the Beinecke Scholarship, the Oprah Winfrey International Fellowship, the ESU Luard Morse Scholarship, and the UNCF/Mellon Mays Fellowship. I am also a member of Phi Beta Kappa and a three-year veteran of the College’s Forensics Team. My current research examines gender, intimacy, and sexuality in novels of the Anglophone and Francophone Caribbean. Upon graduation, I intend to earn a PhD and pursue a career as a professor of literature.

In the spirit of change, I don't have a question for you. Rather, I have a challenge. Read the prompt and think carefully before answering.

Prompt: Identify three substantive, measurable goals that you hope to achieve during your time at Morehouse. Be specific: responses such as "I want to do well in my classes" and "I want to make my family proud" are too vague. (Why not instead try "I hope to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa" or "I want to study abroad for a semester"?)

Monday, July 13, 2015

Meet Darien Waite, Senior Bonner Intern

Greetings Brothers,

My name is Darien Waite. I am from Homewood, IL, a small town outside of Chicago. I am currently studying Sociology, and post-graduation I plan on starting my own charter school. I am honored and humbled to be one of your Senior Bonner Interns for the 2015-2016 academic school year. I believe that we all have something to offer each other and the world. As you embark on your journey at Morehouse College remember to maintain your peace, and to spread your truth wherever you go.

Question #4: 

Who do you live your life for, and why? 

Monday, July 6, 2015

Meet Yandell Hankey, Co-Freshman Class Coordinator

Greeting Brothers,
My name is Yandell Hankey II - a rising senior, marketing major with a minor in sales from Sacramento, CA. During my matriculation at Morehouse I have served the Bonner program as a class coordinator and graphic designer. Throughout campus I have served the Morehouse Marketing Association as an 8th Annual Conclave Co-Chairmen, the Morehouse Sales Team, the California Club’s Executive Board, and crowned royalty during homecoming festivities. Although I have served in different capacities in different organizations, Bonner has always remained my first priority. I would like to congratulate you for your acceptance into Morehouse but ultimately for becoming a Bonner Scholar. If you haven’t realized already, Bonner is a serious commitment. I hope you are eager to begin a new portion of your life. Bonner is not only a great scholarship, but it is also one of the greatest opportunities to help you grow in more ways than academically alone, while at Morehouse.


As a Bonner you have the opportunity to see your ideas come to life. Given the opportunity, what is a social issue that you would like to address through a service project? What would the service be and how would the service be conducted?

Saturday, June 20, 2015


Hello Brothers!

Each Monday at 5:00 p.m., we will be releasing a new blog post about a member of the Morehouse Bonner Leadership Team or an administrator within the Bonner Program giving you a brief biography about them as well as a question they want you all to answer. The answers must be submitted by Friday at 5:00 p.m. for credit. These answers will be used to individualize the Bonner program so you can get the most out of the program while allowing you to look at how you will become a vital member of our program.
Please be as open and honest in your responses! If you have any questions, comments or concerns please e-mail us or text/call Greg Barber or Keith Glass at 404-426-7626 or 678-308-8433.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Meet Greg Barber, Junior Bonner Intern and Freshman Class Co-Coordinator

Hello Brothers and congratulations on becoming apart of the Bonner Brotherhood! My name is Gregory Barber Jr., a junior psychology major from Atlanta, Georgia and I have the opportunity to serve as Junior Bonner Intern and Co-Freshman Class Coordinator. At Morehouse College, I am apart of the Student Government Association Student Advisory Board for the Counseling Resource Center, Vice President of the Morehouse Psychological Association and a McNair Scholar. Through the Bonner Program, I also serve on the Bonner Leadership Team and a Bonner Advisory Board Member.

After Morehouse College, I plan on enrolling into a doctoral psychology program focusing on community psychology. After completion, I will become a professor, researcher and activist focusing on the issue of mass incarceration, traumatic and stressful events among adolescents and adults and positive coping mechanisms.

I hope to make your transition into college as fluid and as fun as possible with Bonner being a foundation. I hope to learn so much about you brothers throughout these next few weeks, but until then I want to leave you with a quote my mother always told me: "Son, if your dreams do not scare you, then obviously your dreams are not big enough!"

Please look below for your first question:

Question #1:

The Bonner Foundation has six common commitments: community building, civic engagement, diversity, international perspective, social justice and spirtual exploration. Which common commitment do you feel is most important?

Please respond to the question in the "comments" section.

Meet Keith Glass, Freshman Class Co-Coordinator

My name is Keith Glass, and I have the privilege of serving as one of your freshman class coordinators for the 2015-2016 academic year. I am a Atlanta native, I am a rising Junior who majors in Business Administration with a concentration in Management. During my time at Morehouse I have had the distinct privilege to represent The Otis Moss Suites Council. Upon graduating I plan to join Teach For America as Corps Member. Ultimately I plan to join the Atlanta Public School Broad of Education. In 2013, I went on to start an organization and empowerment tour entitled "The Rise from 46" with the mission to motivate and incentivize at risk youth in the Metro Atlanta school districts. I serve as an ambassador for Teach for America, an organization leading the movement of closing the achievement gap. I have addressed over 3,000 teachers and students and had the honor of being the opening act for John Legend at one of his concerts in Atlanta. I live to serve others and being an inspiration to those who doubt their own abilities. A quote that I live by is " I Didn't Wait for an Opportunity, I Created One" and I instill that idea into all those who I am fortunate enough to encounter.

Please look below for your second question: 

Question #2: With the current killing and mass "celling" of black bodies, 1.) What does being black mean to you and 2.) How can you be of service to yourself, your home community and the Morehouse community? 

Please respond to the question in the "comments" section.